Thursday, November 29, 2018

Analgesic Non Steridal Anti Inflammatory Drugs Narcotic Opioid Analgesia Opioid Receptor Salol Principle

Unpleasant sensation evoked by internal or external noxious stimuli, called analgesia. Analgesic are the drugs that relives the pain (Pain killer) by acting on the peripheral and in CNS pain mechanism.
These classification broadly divided into two parts-

 1) Non Opioid / Non- narcotic / aspirin like Analgesics-
  1.     These drugs act on CNS as well as peripheral site.
  2.     Do not depress CNS.
  3.     Do not produce physical dependence 
  4.     No abuse liability. 
2) Opioid / narcotic Analgesics-
  1.     These drugs act on CNS but not in Peripheral Site.  
  2.     CNS depress.  
  3.     Abuse.   
  4.     Physical Dependence. 

Non Opioid/Non- narcotic/Aspirin like Analgesics

These analgesic possess anti inflammatory activity , also known as Non Steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAID's)These drugs also possess anti-pyretic activity.

Classification of Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs- 

1) Non-selective Cox Inhibitors- 

       a) Salicylates :                               Aspirin 

       b) Proionic acid derivative :         Ibuprofen, ketoprofen, flurbiprofen, naproxen

       c) Aryl acetic acid derivative :     Diclofenac, Aceclofenac

       d) N-antranilic acid derivative :   Mephenamic acid, meclofenamate sodium

       e) Pyrrolo-pyrole derivatives :    Ketorolac

       f) Oxicam derivative :                  Piroxicam, Tenoxicam

       g) Indol derivative :                     Indomethacin, sulindac

       h) Pyrazolone derivatives :        Phenylbutazone, oxyphenbutazone    

2) Selective Cox-2 Inhibitors : Celecoxib, rofecoxib, parecoxib, Etoricoxib  

3) Preferential Cox-2 inhibitors : Nimesulide, meloxicam, nabumetone

4) Analgesics with antipyretic inhibitors 

  • a) Para-aminophenol derivatives : paracetamol ( acetaminophen), phenacetin, acetanilide
  • b)  Benzoxacine derivatives : Nefopan
  • c) Pyrazolone derivatives : Propiphenazone, metamizole

Mechanism Of Action Of Non Opioid/Non Narcotic Analgesic (NSAID's)

During Pain, fever and inflammation arachidonic acid is secreted  form phopholipid fraction of cell membrane. This arachidonic acid is converted into prostaglandins via the help of cyclooxygenase (COX 1 and COX- 2)Prostaglandins release other mediators such as Histamine, 5HT and bradykinins.

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Mechanism Of Action Of Non Opioid  Non Narcotic Analgesic (NSAID's)

Mechanism Of action Of Aspirin: 

Aspirin inhibit the biosynthesis of prostaglandins at cyclooxygenase stage. Aspirin in the only NSAIDs that covalently modifies cyclooxygenase by acetylating Ser-530 of COX-1 and Ser-516 of COX-2. Aspirin is 10 to 100 times more potent against COX-1 prevent both 15-peroxidation and endoperoxide.
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Mechanism Of Action Of Non Opioid / Non Narcotic Analgesic (NSAID's)

Mechanism Of action Of Ibuprofen:

Ibuprofen inhibiting the enzyme cyclooxygenase which converts arachidonic acid to prostaglandins. ibuprofen. Mainly suppressed the formation of cyclic endoperoxides. Cyclic endoperoxide release the many prostaglandins and thromboxane A2 which cause inflammation, vasodilation, platelet aggregation etc.

NSAID's Drugs, Dose Pharmacological Uses And Side Effect

 Side effect


0.3-1 gm 

Analgesic, antipyretic, acute rheumatism  

Nausea, epigastric, gastric mucosal damage & peptic ulceration  

Mefenamic acid 

 500 mg, TDS, oral

Relief of moderately server pain, postoperative pain, primarily dysmenorrhoea  

 Diarrhea, epigastric distress, rare haemolytic anemia  

Meclofenamate sodium 
200 -300 mg, oral 

Acute and chronic rheumatic arthritis  


0.6 - 1.2 gm/day, oral 

Moderate pain such as : migraine, postoperative pain & dysmenorrhoea. Rheumatic disorder and management of sprains  

Gastric discomfort, nausea and vomiting 


150 - 200 mg/day oral

Ankylosing spondylytis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis  

Gastric side effect more than ibuprofen


250 mg - 1 gm, oral

 Relief pain in dysmenorrhoea & migraine. also used in musculoskeletal disorder and gout 

 Gastric discomfort, nausea and vomiting


100 - 200 mg oral 

 Relief pain in dysmenorrhoea & migraine. also used in musculoskeletal disorder and gout 

Gastric discomfort, nausea and vomiting


800 mg - 2.5 gm, oral 

Rheumatic disorder and mild to moderate pain


50 - 150 mg, oral 

Renal colic, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, Ankylosing spondylytis, osteoarthritis etc   

Epigastric pain, nausea, headache & dizziness   

400 - 600 mg, TDS, oral 

Arthritis & soft tissue inflammation  

20 mg, OD, oral 

rheumatoid arthritis & osteoarthritis   

Heart burn, nausea, anorexia 


75 - 150 mg, oral 

Used in management of mild to moderate pain, rheumatoid arthritis & gout  

Gastric irritation, nausea, anorexia, gastric bleeding & diarrhea  


100 - 200 mg, TDS, oral  

Rheumatoid arthritis, gout, musculoskeletal disorder & bursitis  

Side effect less than indomethacin  


50 - 150 mg, oral

used in management in mild to moderate pain, dysmenorrhoea & osteoarthritis 

Nausea, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, ulceration, loose stools, pruritus & pain at injection site    


100 mg BD 

Used as primarily for short lasting painful inflammatory  condition such as - sports, injuries, sinusitis & other ear - nose - throat disorders, dental surgery, low backache & dysmenorrhoea   

 Gastrointestinal (epigastric, heart burn, nausea & loose motion)

7.5 - 15 mg/day 

Osteoarthritis and rheumatic arthritis

ulcer complication (Bleeding & perforation)  

500 mg OD

Osteoarthritis, rheumatic arthritis & soft tissue injury 

 Lower incidence of gastric erosion, ulcer & bleeding 


100 - 200 mg, BD

Osteoarthritis, rheumatic arthritis & acute musculoskeletal pain 

Abdominal pain, dyspepsia & mild diarrhea    


12.5 - 25 mg, OD 

Osteoarthritis, rheumatic arthritis, dysmenorrhoea, dental, postoperative and acute musculoskeletal pain  

Mild gastrointestinal complications 

Opioid/Narcotics Analgesics

Narcotic / opioid analgesics have been developed with morphine like property. Morphine is an alkaloid isolated from Papaver somniferum (Opium).

Classification Of Opioid/Narcotics Analgesics

Papaver somniferum (Opium) contain two types of alkaloids:

1) Phenanthrene Derivatives (Act On CNS) : Morphine, codeine, thebaine

2) Benzisoquinoline Derivatives (Act On Smooth Muscles such as antispamodic action): Papavarine, noscapine (narcotine)

Classification Of Narcotic Analgesic

1) Narcotic agonist analgesic:

      a) Phenanthrene 

             i) Natural opium alkaloids :  Morphine, codeine

            ii) Semi-synthetic derivatives

                   A) Codeine derivatives :    Hydrocodone, oxycodone                   

                   B) Morphine Derivatives : Hydroxymorphone, oxymorphone 

      b) Methadones : Methadone, Propoxyphene

      c) Morphinan : Levorphenol

      d) Phenyl piperidens (meperidine) : Pethidine, Fentanyl, Alfentanil, Sufentanil

2) Narcotic Angonist-Antagonist Analgesics:

      a) Phenanthrenes :  Buprenorphine, Nalbuphine

      b) Morphinan :         Butorphanol

      c) Benzomorphan : Phenazocine, Pentazocine

3) Narcotic antagonist : Naloxone, Naltraxone

Mechanism Of Action Of Narcotic/Opioid Analgesic

Opioids excites neurons from periaqueductal gray matter (PAG) and nucleus reticularis paragigantocellularis (NRPG) which comes to retroventral medulla which contain nucleus raphe magnus (NRM). 5-HT and enkephalin containing neurons runs towards dorsal horn and exert inhibitory influence on transmission (substance P).
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Mechanism Of Action Of NarcoticOpioid Analgesic

Opioids directly work on dorsal horn as well as peripheral terminal of nociceptive afferent neurons.

Mechanism Of Action Of µ and δ Receptors: 

Activated µ and δ receptors decrease cAMP formation and open potassium channels than hyperpolarisation take place, that decrease the release of substance P (Neurotransmitter).

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Mechanism Of Action Of µ and δ Receptors

Mechanism Of Action Of κ Receptor

Activated κ receptor block the N type calcium ion channel that inhibit the calcium influx and hyperpolarization occur. 
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Mechanism Of Action Of κ Receptor

Narcotic / Opioid Analgesic Drugs, Dose Pharmacological Uses And Side Effect

Salol Principle

Nencki introduced salol in 1886.

Salol: Two toxic substance (salicylic acid & phenol) were combined into an ester that goes internally slowly hydrolyzes into intestine and give antiseptic action.

Salol divided into two Category : 

1) True salols: When both component of the ester are active compounds. 
Example- Guaiacol Benzoate, Betol, Salol.

2) Partial salols: Ester in which only the alcohol or the acid is the toxic, active or corrosive portion called partial salol. 
Example- Ethyl salicylate, Methyl salicylate, Creosote carbonate, Thymol carbonate.


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