Thursday, November 22, 2018

What is Blood Pressure Regulation and How to Measure

Blood pressure is determined by blood volume and cardiac output. The contraction of left ventricle is generates blood pressure so Blood Pressure is highest in arota. Blood pressure is the pressure or force which exert in the wall of blood vessels
Blood pressure rises to about 110-120 mm of hg during ventricle contraction (systole) and fall to about 80-70 mm of hg during ventricle relaxation (diastole). 
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Regulation of Blood Pressure

  • Baroreceptor is present on arota and help to regulate blood pressure.
  • Renin enzyme is secreted from beta cells of kidney and cause hypertension.
  • Various hormones are maintains blood pressure in human body.
  • Physical changes may affect the blood pressure.
  • Obesity is cause high blood pressure.
  • Drinking alcohol is increase the blood pressure.

Factor affecting blood pressure
Effect on blood pressure

Cardiac output (increased
heart rate and contractility)

Epinephrine, Norepinephrine 

Blood Pressure Increase
Systemic vascular resistance

  • Vasodilation 

  • Vasocontraction

Epinephrine, Nitric oxide

Angiotensin II, Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) 

Blood Pressure Decrease

Blood Pressure Increase

Blood volume

  • Blood volume decrease 

  • Blood volume increase

Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and Aldosterone

Blood Pressure Decrease

Blood Pressure Increase

Measurement of Blood Pressure:

Blood pressure is measured by sphygmomanometer with help of stethoscope.
  • Sphygmo means pulse 
  • Manometer means instrument used to measure blood pressure 
Blood pressure is usually measured in the brachial artery (Left arm).   

The rubber cuff is tied round upper arm, rubber cuff connected to a rubber bulb. Pressure is raised to 250 mm of Hg and than release pressure slowly. Listen sounds of heart valves closing. Chest piece of stethoscope is placing on the brachial artery. Heard first sound through the stethoscope, this sound corresponds to systolic blood pressure (SBP). Second sound correspond to diastolic blood pressure (DBP).

  • Systolic blood pressure normal range around 100-120mmHg
  • Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) normal range around 65-80mmHg.
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Blood pressure apparatus


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