Saturday, October 19, 2019

Types of Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis

Nucleic Acids
DNA molecules contain information that instructs a cell how to synthesize the correct enzymes.

Genetic information

  • Inherited traits result from DNA information that is pas.sed from parents to child.
  • A gene is a portion of a DNA molecule that contains the genetic information for making one kind of protein.

DNA molecules

  • The nucleotides of a DNA strand are arranged in a particular sequence.
  • The nucleotides are paired with those of the second strand in a complementary fashion.

The genetic code

  • The sequence of nucleotides in a DNA molecule represents the sequence of amino.
  • Acids in a protein molecule.
  • Genetic information is transferred from the nucleus to the cytoplasm by RNA molecules.

RNA molecules

  • RNA molecules are usually single stranded, contain ribose instead of de-oxyribose. and contain uracil nucleotides In place of thymine nucleotides.
  • Messenger RNA molecules which are synthesized in the nucleus contain a nucleotide sequence that is complementary to that of an exposed strand of DNA.
  • Messenger RNA molecules move into the cyioplasm, become associated with ribosomes and act as patterns for the synthesis of protein molecules.

Protein synthesis

  • Molecules of transfer RNA serve to position amino acids along a strand of messenger RNA.
  • A ribosome binds to a messenger RNA molecule and allows a transfer RNA molecule to recognize its correct position on the messenger RNA.
  • The ribosome contains enzymes needed for the synthesis of the developing protein and holds the protein until it is completed
  • Its the protein develops, it folds into a unique shape.
  • ATP provides the energy needed for these events.

Duplication of DNA

  • Each daughter cell needs a copy of the parent cell's genetic information.
  • DNA molecules are duplicated during inter-phase of the cell's life cycle.
  • Each new DNA molecule contains one old strand and one new strand.

Changes in Genetic Information

The amount of information within a DNA molecule is very large Occasionally a change or mutation occurs in the genetic information.

Nature of mutations

  • Mutations involve a variety of kinds of changes within DNA molecules.
  • A protein synthesized from damaged DNA information is likely to be nonfunctional.
  • Repair enzymes can correct some forms of DNA damage.

Effects of mutations

  • The mutations that cause a decrease in cell efficiency are of most concern.
    The mutation that occurs in a cell of a developing embryo may affect a great number of cells in the developing body.


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