Sunday, October 13, 2019

Composition of Saliva


Funnel, test tube, TT holder, beaker (100 ml), test tube stand, glass rod, tripod stand, wash bottle.


Saliva is a mixture of secretion from three pairs of salivary gland-parotid, submaxillary and sublingual, and numerous small glands in the buccal mucosa. The Composition of the saliva produced from any one gland varies with the rate of flow which itself varies with the type and intensity of stimulus used for obtaining the sample. Saliva varies greatly in different individuals and in the same individual under different circumstances. 

Composition of saliva

Composition of saliva is quite variable. On an average, its water content is 99.5% and solid content 0.5% of the solid, organic constituents comprise 60% and inorganic constituents 40% .The chief organic constituents of saliva are mucin and enzymes .Mucin is a mucoprotein .The lubricating property of saliva is mainly due to its mucin content .The main enzymes in human saliva are amylase and lysozyme, amylase is an amylolytic enzyme whereas lysozyme is anti bacterial.

Procedure for Examination composition of saliva

Collection of saliva: Rinse the mouth with water 3 times then put the water in mouth & hold for 5 minutes after that take out the mouth contents and filter with cotton plug then dilute the  filtrate content with distilled water for 10 times.

Preparation of Phosphate buffer pH 6.8: Weigh out 2.8g of Disodium hydrogen phosphate and dissolve dissolved in 25 mL of water. Dissolve 1.45g dihydrogen potassium phosphate in 25 mL of water then mix the both solution and make up the volume up to 100 mL.

Preparation of 10% starch Solution: Weigh out 10 g Starch and transfer in beaker; dissolve in sufficient amount of distilled water and make up the volume up to 100 mL.

Test for protein (Biuret test): Take 2 mL sample solution in test tube and add 2 mL sodium hydroxide and mix well then add copper sulphate drop wise. Appearance of violet colour confirms protein. 

Test for carbohydrate (Molish test): Take 2 mL sample solution in test tube and add 2 drops of molish reagent. Then incline the test tube and add sulphuric acid along with wall of test tube. Appearance of violet colour confirms carbohydrates.

Test for mucine: Take 2 mL sample solution in test tube and add acetic acid (1%) drop by drop. Appearance of precipitate confirms presence of mucine.

Result: In own saliva protein, carbohydrates, and mucine are present.


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