Sunday, October 13, 2019

Examination of abnormal urine

Glassware: Test tube, test tube stand, beaker, burner, funnel, filter paper.

Chemicals: Acetic acid, Ammonium sulphate, Sodium nitro prosside, concentrate ammonia, Benedic reagent



The term albumin is applied to the heat coagulable proteins in the urine. Such proteins (albumin and globulin both) are found in urine under pathological condition known as albuminuria. Normal urine contains 3-10 mg% of albumin protein is not normally found in the urine and proteinuria may indicate disease although occasionally healthy persons may excrete small amount of protein at intervals.


Although a small amount of mucus may be found in normal urine, large amounts may indicate an inflammatory disorder.

Reducing substances (sugar)

The condition characterised by the excretion of readily detectable amounts of glucose in urine is known as glucosuria. Pathological glucosurias occur in diabetes mellitus and other disorders, in which there is a marked elevation of the blood sugar and usually an increased volume of urine (polyuria). The glucose content of the urine in diabetes mellitus may reach 10 percent or more but is usually around 3 to 5 percent. The urine may be light in colour and has a high specific gravity.


Hematuria and hemoglobinuria. The conditions in which blood occurs in the urine may be classified as hematuria and hemoglobinuria. In hematuria there are present not only hemoglobin but unruptured corpuscles as well, whereas in hemoglobinuria the pigment alone is present.

Test for Protein

Boiling test
Take five mL urine in the test tube and heat the content its turns cloudy then add few drop of acetic acid. Disappearance of cloudiness indicates the absence of protein.

Nitric acid test
Take two mL urine take in the test tube followed by addition of concentrate nitric acid with the wall of test tube, no ring form at the junction of two indicates the absence of protein.

Test for Mucus

Take two mL urine in the test tube and dilute with equal volume of water, then add few drop of acetic acid if no precipitates forms confirm the absence of mucus.

Test for sugar

Benedict test

Take three mL benedict’s reagent in test tube and add 8 drop sample solution. Heat the content for 3 minutes. No Formation of yellowish green precipitate indicates the absence of reducing sugar.

Test for Ketone body

Take three mL of Ammonium sulphate in the test tube then add three mL of urine followed by addition of few crystal of nitro prusside. Shake well the content for dissolution of crystal. Then add two drop concentrate ammonia, mix well and allowed to stand. No formation of purple color confirms the absence of ketone body.

In the given sample of urine abnormal constituents………………are present.


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