Friday, May 14, 2021

Premature infants

Delivery of a physiologically immature baby carries certain risks.

A premature infants or "preemie" is generally considered to be one who weights less than 2500grm (5lb, 8oz) at birth. Poor prenatal care, drug abuse, a history of an earlier premature delivery, and mother's age below 16 or above 35 increase the chance of premature delivery.

The problem related to survival of premature infants are due to the fact that they are not yet ready to take over functions the mother's body normally is performing. The major problem with delivery of an infant under 36 weeks of gestation is infant respiratory distress syndrome (RDS).

This condition can be helped by the ventilator that delivers oxygen until the lungs can operate on their own.

Researchers are now working on ways to inject surfactant to overcome newborn RDS.


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