Wednesday, June 16, 2021

MCQ - Drugs acting on digestive system

1) Tick the main approach of peptic ulcer treatment:

a) Neutralization of gastric acid

b) Eradication of Helicobacter pylori

c) Inhibition of gastric acid secretion

d) All the above

2) Gastric acid secretion is under the control of the following agents EXCEPT:

a) Histamine

b) Acetylcholine

c) Serotonin

d) Gastrin

3) Indicate the drug belonging to proton pump inhibitors:

a) Pirenzepine

b) Ranitidine

c) Omeprazole

d) Trimethaphan

4) All of the following agents intensify the secretion of gastric glands EXCEPT:

a) Pepsin

b) Gastrin

c) Histamine

d) Carbonate mineral waters

5) Which of the following drugs is an agent of substitution therapy?

a) Gastrin

b) Hydrochloric acid

c) Hystamine

d) Carbonate mineral waters

6) Choose the drug which is a H2-receptor antagonist:

a) Omeprazole

b) Pirenzepine

c) Carbenoxolone

d) Ranitidine

7) All of the following drugs are proton pump inhibitors EXCEPT:

a) Pantoprozole

b) Omeprazole

c) Famotidine

d) Rabeprazole

8) Indicate the drug belonging to M1-cholinoblockers:

a) Cimetidine

b) Ranitidine

c) Pirenzepin

d) Omeprazole

9) Which of the following drugs may cause reversible gynecomastia?

a) Omeprazole

b) Pirenzepine

c) Cimetidine

d) Sucralfate

10) Cimetidine has no effect on hepatic drug metabolism. It’s

a) True

b) False

11) Tick the drug forming a physical barrier to HCL and Pepsin:

a) Ranitidine

b) Sucralfate

c) Omeprazole

d) Pirenzepine

12) Which drug is an analog of prostaglandin E1?

a) Misoprostole

b) De-nol

c) Sucralfate

d) Omeprazole

13) Select the drug stimulating the protective function of the mucous barrier and the stability of the mucous membrane against damaging factors:

a) De-nol

b) Sucralfate

c) Misoprostol

d) Omeprazole

14) Antacids are weak bases that react with gastric hydrochloric acid to form salt and water. It’s

a) True

b) False

15) Most of drugs are antacids EXCEPT:

a) Misoprostol

b) Maalox

c) Mylanta

d) Almagel

16) Indicate the drug that cause metabolic alkalosis:

a) Sodium bicarbonate

b) Cimetidine

c) Pepto-Bismol

d) Carbenoxolone

17) Choose the drug that causes constipation:

a) Sodium bicarbonate

b) Aluminium hydroxide

c) Calcium carbonate

d) Magnesium oxide

18) All of the following drugs stimulate appetite EXCEPT:

a) Vitamins

b) Bitters

c) Fepranone

d) Insulin

19) Ethyl alcohol is an agent decreasing appetite. It’s:

a) True

b) False

20) Select an anorexigenic agent affecting serotoninergic system:

a) Fenfluramine

b) Fepranone

c) Desopimone

d) Masindole

21) All of the following drugs intensify gastrointestinal motility EXCEPT:

a) Papaverine

b) Metoclopramide

c) Domperidone

d) Cisapride

22) Metoclopramide is a potent dopamine antagonist.It’s

a) True

b) False

23) Choose an emetic drug of central action:

a) Ipecacuanha derivatives

b) Promethazine

c) Tropisetron

d) Apomorphine hydrochloride

24) Tick the mechanism of Metoclopramide antiemetic action:

a) H1 and H2-receptor blocking effect

b) M-cholinoreceptor stimulating effect

c) D2-dopamine and 5-HT3-serotonin receptor blocking effect

d) M-cholinoblocking effect

25) Select the emetic agent having a reflex action:

a) Ipecacuanha derivatives

b) Apomorphine hydroclorid

c) Chlorpromazine

d) Metoclopramide

26) All of the following drugs are antiemetics EXCEPT:

a) Metoclopramide

b) Ondansetron

c) Chlorpromazine

d) Apomorphine hydrochloride

27) Indicate an antiemetic agent which is related to neuroleptics:

a) Metoclopramide

b) Nabilone

c) Tropisetron

d) Prochlorperazine

28) All of these drugs reduce intestinal peristalsis EXCEPT:

a) Loperamide

b) Cisapride

c) Methyl cellulose

d) Magnesium aluminium silicate

29) Indicate the laxative drug belonging to osmotic laxatives:

a) Docusate sodium

b) Bisacodyl

c) Phenolphthalein

d) Sodium phosphate

30) The mechanism of stimulant purgatives is:

a) Increasing the volume of non-absorbable solid residue

b) Increasing motility and secretion

c) Altering the consistency of the feces

d) Increasing the water content

31) Choose the drug irritating the gut and causing increased peristalsis:

a) Phenolphthalein

b) Methyl cellulose

c) Proserine

d) Mineral oil

32) All of the following drugs stimulate bile production and bile secretion EXCEPT:

a) Chenodiol

b) Cholenszyme

c) Oxaphenamide

d) Cholosas

33) Tick the stimulant of bile production of vegetable origin:

a) Oxaphenamide

b) Papaverine

c) Cholenzyme

d) Cholosas

34) Select the drug which inhibits peristalsis:

a) Castor oil

b) Bisacodyl

c) Loperamide

d) Sorbitol

35) Choose the drug affecting the biliary system and relaxing Oddy sphincter:

a) Cholosas

b) Oxaphenamide

c) No-spa

d) Cholenzyme

MCQ - Drugs acting on digestive system


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