Wednesday, July 7, 2021

What are the minimum steps needed to identify as many dead bodies as possible?

Identifying dead bodies following disasters can be complex. The minimum steps needed to identify as many dead bodies as possible are set out in the Management of Dead Bodies after Disasters manual. In general terms, identifying a dead body is done by comparing information about the person while alive with information about the dead body. Thus, information about those who are missing or presumed to be dead is needed (a list of the missing, and specific individual information about each missing person). 

Also, information about the dead body is needed (photographs, preferably taken before decomposition has started, and information about identifying features, clothing and personal effects). To keep track of this information, the body needs to be given a unique code which must be in all the photographs, and on all the information collected; and attached to the body and the body bag, and any burial site, so that its location can be recorded, and the body retrieved at any time. Ideally, forensic experts should be involved, but this is not always possible.

1 comment:

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