All living organism are require energy to carry out various kind of activities. The process of food oxidation in cells to release energy which energy is utilize by body, called respiration.
Respiration is a process of release of energy from assimilation food. The respiratory system consist of nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs and alveoli.
Respiration is a process of release of energy from assimilation food. The respiratory system consist of nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs and alveoli.
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Respiratory system |
Human respiratory system is divided into 2 parts:
Nose is an organ for smell. Nose has two chambers, called nasal cavities. Nose has two nostrils, opening of nasal cavities.Nares:
It present at base of nose helps in breathing. Nose is the first of the respiratory passages through which the inspired air passes.
Nasal cavity:
Nasal cavities are two chambers present on palate bone. They chamber are separated from each other by septum, called nasal septum.
Nasal cavity made of 3 parts:
- Vestibule lined by a skin, it contains hairs and sebaceous glands. These hairs prevent the entry of dust particles.
- Respiratory region that part contains many mucus and serous cells. The fresh air passing through it, it became moist and warm.
- Olfactory region lined by highly sensory olfactory epithelium, that helps in detecting odor. Specialized sensory cells for smell and bowmann’s gland for mucus secretion.
Pharynx or Throat
The pharynx is funnel shaped tube about 13 cm long. Pharynx function as a passageway for food and air. The muscles of entire pharynx are arranged in two layers -
- An outer circular layer
- An inner longitudinal layer
Pharynx can be divided in to three region-
The superior portion of pharynx is nasopharynx. Nasopharynx lies posterior to nasal cavity and extended to the soft palate. Nasopharyns wall receives five opening - two internal nares, two opening from auditory tube and one opening into oropharynx.
Oropharynx lies posterior to the oral cavity and extended from the soft palate inferior to the level of hyoid bone. Oropharynx involves in both respiratory system as well as digestive system.
The lower portion of pharynx. Like the oropharynx, laryngopharynx involves in both respiratory system as well as digestive system.
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Pharynx |
Larynx Or Voice Box Or Adams Apple
Larynx contains 2 pairs of vocal cord - true cords that help to produce sound and false cords that protect true cord.It is supported by a framework of 9 cartilages in male and 8 cartilages in female.
- Hyaline cartilage
2- Caricoid cartilage
3- Arytenoid cartilages
- Elastic cartilage
2- Corniculate
3- Cuneiform
Trachea is a muscular tube about 12-14cm long. Trachea continues into bronchi. Trachea is non-collapsible due to presence of hyaline cartilage rings.Trachea is internally lined by pseudostratified ciliated epithelium that helps in filtration of air.
Trachea is bifurcates into two bronchi and enter into the lungs through hilum. Bronchi also contain pulmonary vein and pulmonary artery.Branches of bronchial tree -
- Main bronchi
- Lobar bronchi
- Segmental bronchi
- Bronchioles
- Terminal bronchioles
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Bronchi |
Two lungs are present in thoracic cavity. Lungs helps in respiration that's why lungs considered as respiratory organ. Lungs are protected by bony skeleton, called rib cages.![]() |
Lungs |
Lungs Color:
- At the time of birth, the lungs are pinkish in color because they are filled with air and blood.
- After the human grows, they become blackish due to pollutants.
Location of lungs:
Thoracic cavityStructure of lungs:
Lungs are respiratory organ. Lungs are also protected with the help of coverings, called pleura.Pleura Cavity
Between these two pleura layer a cavity exits, known as pleura cavity that is filled with pleural fluid. Pleural layer and pleural fluid are protect the lungs from mechanical shocks and absorbing shocks.The function of pleura and pleura fluid is to protect the lungs from mechanical shocks, absorbing shocks, to provide friction-less movement, provide nourishment to the two pleura.The cells of the body need energy for all their metabolic reaction/activities. Most of this energy is derived from chemical reactions, which can only take place in the presence of oxygen.
The main waste product of these reactions is carbon dioxide. The respiratory system provides the route by which the supply of oxygen present in the atmosphere entire body and it provides the route of excretion for carbon di-oxide.
The lungs are made up of alveoli cells around 750 millions. There are two type of alveoli cells.Type 1 – Compose with simple squamous epithelium that helps in diffusion of gases.
Type 2 - Compose with simple cuboidal epithelium that secretes surfactant. Surfactant decrease surface tension of alveoli so that during exchange of gases, the alveoli would not collapse.
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