Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Red blood cells consist of hemoglobin

What is normal value of hemoglobin

The normal level of hemoglobin in men between 11.5 to 17.5 gm/deciliter of blood.
The normal level of hemoglobin in female between 12.0 to 15.5 gm/deciliter of blood.

Normal value of hemoglobin
  • Newborn baby - 14 to 24 gm/ deciliter of blood
  • Pregnant women - 11 to 12 gm/deciliter of blood 
  • Adult male - 11.5 to 17.5 gm/deciliter of blood
  • Adult female - 12.0 to 15.5 gm/deciliter of blood

What is dangerously low level of hemoglobin

Dangerously low level of hemoglobin is 7 gm/deciliter, that level of hemoglobin require blood transfusion for ICU patients.

Hemoglobin is made up of which molecules

Hemoglobin is made up of protein and non protein pigment. protein pigment is globin and non protein pigment is heme. Heme portion consist iron ion.

What is normal level of vitamin B12

The normal level of vitamin B12 is between 190 to 900 nanograms / milliliter.

How many hemoglobin molecules in a red blood cells

A red blood cells contains about 280 million hemoglobin molecules.

How does hemoglobin form

Hemoglobin molecule consists of a protein, called globin. Hemoglobin composed four polypeptide chain - two alpha polypeptide chain and two beta poly peptide chain.

Hemoglobin contain a ring like non-protein pigment, called heme. heme is bound each of the four polypeptide chains. At the center of heme ring is an iron ion that can combine reversibly with only one oxygen molecule.

How many oxygen molecules will be bind to a hemoglobin molecule

Each hemoglobin molecule binds four molecules of oxygen.

What is the function of hemoglobin in blood

Hemoglobin has a property that it can bind oxygen or carbon di-oxide. Hemoglobin also known as oxygen carrying protein.  Hemoglobin play a important role in transporting oxygen and carbon di-oxide. hemoglobin transport oxygen to the cells. hemoglobin also transport carbon di-oxide from the cells. 

Hemoglobin also play a vital role in regulation of blood flow and blood pressure.

Epithelial cells that line blood vessels released gaseous hormone nitric oxide. Nitric oxide binds to hemoglobin. Nitric oxide cause vasodilation. Vasodilation improve blood flow. Nitric oxide is increase in blood vessels diameter.

What is carbamino-hemoglobin 

Hemoglobin that has bound carbon di-oxide is term known as carbaminohemoglobin.

What is oxy-hemoglobin

Hemoglobin that has bound oxygen is term known as oxyhemoglobin

What is hemoglobin lifetime or cycle

The lifetime of hemoglobin is about 120 days.

What is the function of dead hemoglobin in the body

Macrophages in the spleen, bone-marrow or liver by phagocytize ruptured or dead red blood cells. The heme and globin portion of hemoglobin are split apart.

Globin break down into amino acids which can be reused in synthesized some different proteins. Iron separated from heme portion of hemoglobin, in the form of Fe(+++) and it comes back to the blood stream by the help of transporter transferrine.

What is the non-iron portion heme

Non-iron portion of heme is called biliverdin which is a green pigment. biliverdin converted into bilirubin, which is a yellow pigment. bilirubin is also released by liver cells in bile. 

Which disease are caused by hemoglobin deficiency

Lack of hemoglobin can cause a lot of different types of disease. 

Disease cause by deficiency of hemoglobin are following-

Hypoxia - Hypoxia also known as cellular oxygen deficiency. decrease amount of oxygen delivered to body tissues.

Anemia - Anemia has many causes lack of certain amino acids, lack of iron and lack of vitamin B12.

Deficiency of iron cause following disease :
  • Anemia - iron deficiency anemia
  • Excessive menstrual blood loss
  • Restless legs syndrome
  • Learning disabilities
  • Hearing disabilities
  • Impaired immune functions
  • Tinnitus
  • Delayed growth in infants
  • Hair loss
  • Complication during pregnancy
  • Irregular heartbeat

Deficiency of vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) cause of following disease :
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Pernicious anemia
  • Pale or jaundiced skin
  • Sensation of needles or pins
  • Lack of Intrinsic factor

Which disease are caused by increased level of hemoglobin

  • Polycythemia cera
  • Emphysema
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Renal cancer
  • Hepatic cancer
  • Dehydration
  • Heart failure
  • Other many lung disease
  • Other  many heart disease

What can cause  sudden drop of hemoglobin level

Many diseases such as cancer, liver and kidney complications can cause suddenly decrease hemoglobin levels.

What is the best treatment for low level of hemoglobin

Intake vitamin C containing food  are -
  • Citrus fruits example - orange and grapefruit
  • Kiwi 
  • Pineapple
  • Mango
  • Papaya   
  • Strawberry 
  • Raspberry
  • Watermelon 
  • Blueberry  
  • Vegetable rich in vitamin C such as 
                               - Cantaloupe
                               - Broccoli
                               - Cauliflower
                               - Green bell peppers 
                               - Kale

Eat Iron rich containing food are -
  • Spinach 
  • Pumpkin seed
  • Masa
  • Cuttlefish 
  • Mung bean
  • Chickpea
  • Semolina 
  • Oysters 
  • Cocoa bean
  • Lentil
  • Tofu
  • Sunflower seed 
  • Soybean
  • Almond 
  • Peanut 
Folic acid containing food
  • Rice
  • Cornmeal
  • Semolina


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