Friday, October 11, 2019

Arterial System

Arterial System
The heart pumps oxygenated blood into artery i.e. arota. All arteries carry oxygenated blood except pulmonary artery. Arota is primary artery, collect oxygenated blood from left ventricle and arota divided into branches, these branches further subdivided. The finally end of arteries in capillary form. 

Artery has tube like structure. 

The wall of artery is consists with three membrane-
Tunica adventitia – Outer fibrous membrane.

Tunica media – Middle muscle membrane.

Tunica intima – Inner serous membrane.

Arota consists of following primary branches:
  • Ascending Arota
  • Arch of Arota
  • Thoracic Arota
  • Abdominal Arota
Branches of Arota
Region supplied oxygenated blood
      Ascending Arota

i)        Right and left coronary arteries

      Arch of arota

i)        Brachiocephalic trunk

·         Right common carotid artery

·         Right subclavian artery

ii)      Left common carotid artery

iii)    Left subclavian artery

Right side of head and neck

Right upper limb

Left side head and neck

Left upper limb
      Thoracic arota

i)        Pericardial arteries

ii)      Bronchial arteries

iii)    Esophageal arteries

iv)    Posterior intercostal arteries


Bronchi of lungs


Intercostal and chest muscles

     Abdominal arota

i)        Celiac trunk
·         Common hepatic arteries

·         Splenic arteries

ii)      Superior mesenteric arteries

iii)    Suprarenal arteries

iv)    Renal arteries

v)      Gonadal arteries

·         Testicular arteries

·         Ovarian arteries

Liver, stomach, duodenum and pancreas

Spleen, stomach and pancreas

Small intestine

Adrenal glands


Testes (male)

Ovary (female)


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