Friday, October 11, 2019

Cardiovascular Disorders Disease

Cardiovascular Disorders
Cardiovascular disorders are –  

Disorders of red blood cells


Deficiency of haemoglobin, haemoglobin carry and attach oxygen molecules. If haemoglobin decreases than deficiency of oxygen in human body. 

Anemia are different types :

Hypochromic microcytic anemia or iron deficiency anemia: deficiency of iron due to -
  1. Low dietary intake
  2. Decrease absorption
  3. Increase excretion
Due to lack of iron, haemoglobin synthesis is not take place.

Megaloblastic anemia

Deficiency of folic acid or vitamin B12, Megaloblastic anemia cause.

Folic acid is responsible for maturation of red blood cells

Hemolytic anemia

When large number of red blood cells are destructive or damage, this disease condition called hemolytic anemia.

Aplastic anemia

This type of anemia cause due to suppression of bone marrow functions.


Abnormally increase numbers in red blood cells, than high concentrate blood flow slowly. In this condition, risk of intravascular clotting is increase.

Disorder of white blood cells

Leukocytosis- when leukocyte cells increase in large number, cause leukocytosis.

Neutrophilia - increase in numbers neutrophils cells.

Eosinophilia - increase in numbers of eosinophils cells. That is allergic condition. 

Leukemia - overproduction of white blood cells during cancer.

Leucopenia - deficiency of white blood cells.

Neutropenia - decrease in number of neutrophils cells.

Eosinopenia - decrease in numbers of eosinophils cells.

Disorders of platelets

Thrombocytopenic purpura
  • Bleeding time is prolonged, about 10-15min.
  • Release or leaking of blood from skin and mucosa.

Disorder of artery

Arteriosclerosis: Thickening and elasticity of artery.

In this disorder, thickening of arteries wall due to deposition of fat. In this disease plaque builds up in inside arteries.

Embolus:  In this disease, clot moving in circulation and becomes impacted in a small vessels.

Thrombus: Blood clot obstructing a blood vessel.

Disorder of vein

Thrombus: it is a clot obstructing blood vessels disorders of veins.

Phlebitis: it is injection of vein wall, infection cause by inflammation or injury. 

Venous thrombosis: Blood clot obstruct vein. 

Thrombo phlebitis:  it is a inflammation of vein cause by an obstructing clot.       

Disorder of heart (Cardiac)

Congestive heart failure (CHF): the heart is unable to maintain adequate circulation of blood in the tissue of the body. 

Ischemic heart disease: it occur due to narrowing one or more branches of coronary artery. 

Myocardial infarction: Heart tissues are dying due to inadequate blood supply to the affected area (heart area).  

Cardiac arrhythmia

Cardiac arrhythmia is an irregular heartbeats, the heart may beat too fast, too slow or irregular. Cardiac arrhythmia occurs when the electrical signals to the heart that co-ordinate heartbeats are not working properly.   


The heart beat is too fast – more than 100 beats per minute in adults.


The heart beat is too slow – less than 60 beats per minute in adults.
Cardiac arrhythmias are due to problems with the electrical conduction system of heart. 


Most of cardiac arrhythmia do not cause symptoms.
  1. Palpitation.
  2. Lightheadedness or dizziness.
  3. Fainting.
  4. Cardiac arrest.
  5. Sudden death.


Anti-arrhythmic drugs – quinidine, procainamide,cisapride, lidocaine, verapamil.


Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure. Pressure exerted by the blood against wall of blood vessels. Blood pressure rises to about 110-120 mm Hg during ventricle contraction (systole) and fall to about 80-70 mm Hg during ventricle relaxation (diastole).  
Hypertension can lead to severe complications and increase the risk o heart disease, stroke and death. Long term high blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart failure, coronary artery disease, stroke, vision loss, chronic kidney disease and peripheral vascular diseases.

Two type of hypertension

Primary hypertension or essential hypertension       
This type of hypertension results from a complex interaction of genes and environmental factors. 

Secondary hypertension  
It results from an identifiable cause. Renal disease is the most common cause of secondary hypertension. 


Blood pressure rises with ageing and the risk of becoming hypertensive in later life is considerable.
  • Excessive drinking alcohol
  • Renin angiotension system
  • Smoking high salt intake
  • Obesity
  • Depression
  • Excessive eating liquorice
  • Headaches
  • Vertigo
  • Anxiety
  • Excessive sweating
  • Buzzing in the ear


  • Stop drinking alcohol
  • Stop smoking
  • Lack salt intake
  • Exercise
Take anti hypertensive drugs – captopril, enalapril, losartan, propranolol, atenolol, verapamil.


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