Saturday, October 12, 2019

Liver and Its Function

Liver is the largest gland of the body.
Adult weight of liver is about 1.5 kg.

It situated in the upper right side of abdominal cavity, just below the diaphragm. On the lower surface of right liver lobe a pear shaped sac is present, called gall bladder. The functional unit of liver is the liver lobule. The human liver contains 50,000-100,000 individual lobules. The lobules is constructed around the central vein and composed many hepatic plate. A hepatic plate is one or two cells thick. Small bile canaliculi lie between the adjacent cells. The liver synthesize bile juice. Bile is continuously synthesize and delivered via hepatic duct. In the gall bladder, bile is stored.  

Liver has four lobes
  1. Right lobe
  2. Left lobe
  3. Caudate
  4. Quadrate

Function of liver

1) Formation of bile juice
Liver synthesized bile which help in digestion especially in fat metabolism.
Liver produce approximately 500-800ml in one day.

2) Haemopoiesis of embryo
Liver help produce red blood cells in embryo.

3) Glycogenesis 
Formation of glycogen from glucose in liver called glycogensis.

4) Gluconeogenesis

Glycogen convert into glucose in liver called Gluconeogenesis.

5) Liver helps to eliminate out the dead red blood cells from the blood.
6) Breakdown of harmful products.

7) Glycolysis take place in liver.

8) Anticoagulant factor, heparin secretes from liver.

9) Formation of urea from ammonia.


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