Friday, May 14, 2021


1. Seeds of Papaver sominiferum are called the poppy seeds while the latex which oozes out and dries is called the opium gum. Opium gum is the source of several alkaloids and drugs of abuse while poppy seeds are not narcotic and are used as a condiment in Indian cooking. The demand for poppy seeds in India is much higher than the poppy seeds obtained as a by-product of legally cultivated opium poppy crop and hence, there is always a demand-supply gap for poppy seeds which is currently being met through imports. Some countries grow low alkaloid varieties of the plant to produce only poppy seeds. The poppy straw is destroyed. In the long run, such an approach is required in India to produce sufficient poppy seeds to meet the country’s requirement.

2. Government of India will encourage research and development of low alkaloid or alkaloid-free varieties of opium poppy which can be used exclusively for production of poppy seeds. The Government of India will also encourage trials and multiplication of seeds of low alkaloid varieties of opium poppy available in other countries. Once established and tested methods to distinguish the plants to be used for production of poppy seeds only from the plants used for production of opium are available, the Government may encourage cultivation of low alkaloid or alkaloid-free varieties of opium poppy exclusively for production of poppy seeds so as to achieve self-sufficiency and also endeavour to export poppy seeds. However, the permission to cultivate alkaloid free variety will be considered only if such variety is adequately tested and has different identifiable signatures so as to distinguish it from the varieties used for extraction of opium and or production of CPS.

3. Import of poppy seeds will continue till self-sufficiency is achieved. The policy is to allow import of poppy seeds from any country provided it has originated in any of the countries authorised internationally to grow opium poppy for export and that it has been legitimately cultivated. No import will be allowed from countries where opium poppy is not legitimately cultivated. All contracts for import of poppy seeds will be compulsorily registered with the Narcotics Commissioner. Before registering such contracts, the Narcotics Commissioner shall satisfy that the country from which the poppy seeds are proposed to be imported legally cultivates opium poppy and can produce the quantity of seeds which are sought to be imported.

4. Poppy seeds are also used in some countries to produce poppy seed oil. Government of India will also encourage production of poppy seed oil for use in India and for export.


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