Monday, May 31, 2021

Pharmacology experiment - elevated plus maze

Object – To study of drugs acting on central nervous system using elevated plus maze.

Requirement- PC & Expharm software


The elevated plus maze task is a simple method to assess anxiety-like behaviors in rodents. This version describes the procedure used in mice.  However, the protocol may also be applied to rats, considering a proportionally larger apparatus (arm: 10×50cm; height: 55cm). Briefly, the test is performed on a plus shaped apparatus with two open and two closed arms. The animal is allowed to freely explore the maze for 5 min while the duration and frequency of entries into open and closed arms is recorded. The task is based on an approach-avoidance conflict, meaning that the animal is faced with a struggle between a propensity to explore a novel environment and an unconditioned fear of high and open spaces. Consequently, an anxiety-like state is characterized by increased open arm avoidance, compared to control animals, on account of being a very popular test, there can be considerable variation in the procedures applied across different laboratories. Here we provide a rorking protocol that has been able to detect both anxiogenic and anxiolytic drug effects under the specified conditions. 

Pharmacology experiment - elevated plus maze 

  • First the animals are allowed to explore plus maze for five minutes.
  • Animals are kept on apparatus and animals movements are visualized, anxiety reduction is indicated in the open arms (time in open arms/total time in open or closed arms), and an increase in the proportion of entries into open or closed arms). The total number of arm entries and number of closed-arm entries are used as measures of general activity.
Observation Table


Time spent in open arm

Time spent in closed arm




















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