Friday, July 3, 2020

Different types of Body Membrane Summary Notes

Two or more kinds of tissues grouped together and performing specialized functions constitute an organ. Thus, the sheetlike structures called membranes that cover body surfaces and line body cavities are organs.

Types of Membranes

Different types of membranes
There are four major types of membranes:
  1. Serous membrane
  2. Mucous membrane
  3. Cutaneous membrane
  4. Synovial membrane

Usually these structures are relatively thin. Serous, mucous, and cutaneous membranes are composed of epithelial tissue and some underlying connective tissue; synovial membranes are composed entirely of connective tissue.

Serous membranes

Serous membranes line the body cavities that lack openings to the outside. They form the inner linings of the thorax and abdomen, and they cover the organs within these cavities. Such a membrane consists of a layer of simple squamous epithelium (mesothelium) covering a thin layer of loose connective tissue. It secretes a watery serous fluid, which helps to lubricate the surfaces of the membrane.

Mucous membranes

Mucous membranes line the cavities and tubes that open to the outside of the body. These include the oral and nasal cavities and the tubes of the digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems. Mucous membrane consists of epithelium overlying a layer of loose connective tissue; however, the type of epithelium varies with the location of the membrane. For example, stratified squamous epithelium lines the oral cavity, pseudostratified columnar epithelium lines part of the nasal cavity, and simple columnar epithelium lines the small intestine. Mucous membrane secretes the thick fluid called mucus.

Cutaneous membrane

The cutaneous membrane is an organ of the integumentary system and is more commonly called skin.

"Subcutaneous injections are administered into the layer beneath the skin. Intradermal injections, on the other hand, are injected between layers of tissues within the skin. Subcutaneous injections and intramuscular injections, which are administered into muscles, are sometimes called hypodermic injections".

Synovial membranes

Synovial membranes form the inner linings of joint cavities between the ends of bones at freely movable joints. These membranes usually include fibrous connective tissue overlying loose connective tissue and adipose tissue. They secrete a thick, colorless synovial fluid into the joint cavity. This fluid lubricates the ends of the bones within the joint.

1 comment:

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